Saturday, January 2, 2016

From: Mr. Leonardo <>
Subject: Looking ahead to a brand New Year!
Preheader: Get your hair back in 2016

Wishing you good times, good cheer, and a memorable new year.

All of us at Mr. Leonardo's Hair Growth & Maintenance Center want to thank you for your business, loyalty, and support in 2015. As always, we want to see you with your own natural, healthy, and beautiful hair in 2016!  Our Mr.Leonardo's Hair Growth and Maintenance kit is great for relaxed or natural hairstyles! It is truly the way back to healthy hair and the answer to how to keep it!
 To learn more visit us online at

Mr. Leonardo's Hair Growth and Maintenance System is the way back to healthy hair and the answer to how to keep it!
Watch this video! Listen to what our products have done for this very satisfied customer!

Mr.Leonardo's Hair Growth & Maintenance Kit works great on natural hair
Mr.Leonardo's Hair Growth & Maintenance Kit works great on natural hair

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Mr. Leonardo | 2291 Cascade Road SW | Atlanta | GA | 30311